
our ministries

Gilgal Ministries
At Gilgal all the activities undertaken within and outside of church are governed by a Ministry under the guidance of a member of our chuch diaconate. 

Click on each section below to read more about each ministry. 

Gilgal Ministry Summary  

All church administration is undertaken by a team led by Alison and encompasses important concerns such as safe-guarding, public liability, public health and safety, through to the day-to-day running of the church organising church meetings, church supplies and cleaning. Alison works in close conjunction with Liz, the Church Secretary.


The Communications team is reponsible for all media activities within and outside of the church as well as communications technology used within the church. This encompasses our website, social media, magazine, church newsletter, PR, broadband technology and all advertising materials.

The deacon responsible for communications is Malcolm.


Our Community ministry is headed up by Jacqui and is responsible for all activities aimed at building relationships with the people and organisations of Porthcawl, Bridgend and adjacent areas. This encompasses the work we do locally with the Trussell Trust Foodbank at the YMCA Porthcawl, the Wednesday Lunch Club held at the church hall, our Traidcraft activities and use of Fair Trade products, our presence at Porthcawl Carnival and other community events that arise.


This ministry team led by Caryl was first established in September 2015 and our aim is: ‘to equip believers for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, becoming more like Him’ (Eph 4:12-13).

The team is responsible for all aspects of church life that are aimed at deepening faith and developing understanding of faith. This includes organising and involvement with Alpha courses, co-ordinating house groups, mentoring training for ministry.


Gordon runs the Evangelism Ministry team which is charged with upholding our mission statement “To know Jesus better and to make Him better known“.

Gilgal has a range of outreach activities with an emphasis on engaging people in our community to encourage them to discover who Jesus is and what it means to become a believer.

The Church Evangelism Team organises open air meetings and events on John Street and around Porthcawl including car washes for the local streets, providing information sheets to local businesses and public areas,  supporting Trecco Bay summer services, involvement with the local carnival as well as other events.


Just as the name implies. the Fabric Ministry team is responsible for keeping the church buildings in tip-top condition. Led by Richard the team is facing its biggest challenge with the forthcoming renovation of the church and the buiding of a new church hall during the next two years. Currently the team have to keep older buildings fit for purpose and are responsible for all aspects of repair inside and outside the building – from electricals, plumbing, flooring and seating, to ensuring suitable access for all, the safety of the building and the planning of changes to come.


The Pastoral Ministry team is headed up by Daphne and is responsible for the welfare and well-being of the members of the church. Our visiting team keep in touch with those who are sick or unable to attend, providing visits and practical help. CD’s of the sermons are taken to a few members on a regular basis, and others during shorter periods of illness. Fairtrade Easter eggs and Christmas gifts are taken to the housebound of our fellowship. We also send birthday cards to the elderly reaching ’special’ birthdays of 80, 90 and thereafter.

The team is also responsible for our bookstall and maintaining a well stocked lending library in the vestibule. Books are grouped into subject matter and are available for people to loan or take to keep. A variety of social trips are organised throughout the year.


The Prayer Ministry team are responsible for perhaps the most important aspect of church life. Led by Eirwen, the prayer team provide support during services for prayer; organise prayer and praise evenings; run prayer triplets; organise an confidential and internal prayer chain within the church body; support other events within the church; and organise events training in prayer skills.

We have a dedicated Prayer Corner for one-to-one prayer, which is being used more and more for post service prayer at each service.



At Gilgal we believe in supporting Mission and we have a dedicated team led by Linda. This is in recognition that at Gilgal we consider Mission is a significant part of our ministry. 

Strong ties are maintained and practical support offered to a range of missionary organisations including BMS, HMF, Latin Link, SIM, Blythswood Trust and Support for Romania, Compassion and Tear Fund. Gilgal also supports missionaries in Thailand and Romania.


Overseen by Cathryn, the Worship Ministry team encompasses the musicians and singers of the Music Team, PA and Powerpoint Teams, and the Banner Group. These groups come together to provide an environment to encourage an atmosphere in services to deepen our knowledge of Christ and to take the Gospel out into the community.

The Music Team rehearse monthly, playing and singing a variety of christian hymns and worship songs reflecting the styles of both the Contemporary Morning Service and the Traditional Evening Service.
