lunch club

12.15pm -park avenue

Lunch Club

Lunch Club is open to everyone, whether church-goers or not. It’s a great place to come and socialise, as well as to enjoy a great roast dinner.

Every Wednesday at 12.15pm (Term time only), you can enjoy a tea or coffee on arrival, a roast dinner with vegetables, dessert, plus tea, coffee and biscuits to follow – all for just £5 per person! There’s no queuing – all courses are brought to you at your table, so you just have to sit back and enjoy.

On average 65 people attend our lunch club and many long-term friendships have developed over the years it has been running, so come along and enjoy the hospitality and the social interaction.

Why not come early at 11am and enjoy our traditional church service, with traditional hymns and Bible readings – just ask for details if you are interested.

You’ll find a warm welcome at Gilgal, both in church and in the lunch club. We look forward to seeing you.
