jellybeans toddler group

park avenue

Jellybeans Toddler group is back – Tuesdays @ Park Avenue.

Jellybeans is an opportunity for toddlers to develop social interaction skills, build their knowledge and dexterity, develop play skills and generally enjoy fun and exercise. It is also a chance for parents and child care professionals to meet and chat with others in the same position.

Each session has playtime, stories, songs, activities and dance

While the children play under supervision, we offer parents, grandparents and carers tea/coffee and biscuits and the chance to socialise in a safe, welcoming and friendly environment.

Where and When?

Tuesday: 10-11.30am @ Park Avenue (In the Church Hall)

Your child’s safety and well-being are our primary concern. 

For this reason Gilgal Baptist Church operates an approved safeguarding policy and all our staff and volunteers are Advanced DBS checked and approved. Copies of our Safeguarding Policy are available from our Children’s and Families Worker, Natalie Sharp, or on application from our Church Secretary, Liz Rees.