Children absorb the world around them like a sponge – the years between the ages of 5 to 11 are when personality really starts to develop and the indications for their future become apparent. At these impressionable ages it is a time when you want them to learn things that will give them a good moral grounding in their behaviour and compassion towards others. Values that will help develop them into good and valuable members of society.
Sunday Club
On a normal Sunday, children willl meet with the church family in the main service for about half an hour before going to their own age-appropriate groups. Sunday Club is full of fun, craft, drama and all the stuff children love to do which will help them learn about Jesus.
Gilgal’s first priority is always your child’s safety and well-being, so without exception supervision of children in undertaken by responsible adults who have ALL been Advanced DBS checked and who are governed by our Safeguarding Policy.
Natalie is Gilgal’s Children’s Worker and is responsible for overseeing all our children’s work and activities to the age of 11 years. Not only is she a fully qualified children’s counsellor, but very creative, having worked in the make-up and wardrobe departments of London theatres earlier in her career. She is passionate about developing faith amongst young people.
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With the exception of our Family Services, children only attend the first half hour of Sunday Services, after which point they go out to Sunday Club. They spend the rest of the service time under the supervision of responsible adults who are skilled in Bible teaching and arts and crafts. Some Sundays may also be spent playing games to develop social skills.
All our responsible adults are Advanced DBS checked and governed by our Safeguarding Policy.
In Sunday Club we use a variety teaching resources, including those produced by, for example, Scripture Union,The Message Trust and Urban Saints, which are used by thousands of churches across the UK. This teaching is biblcally based and points children to Jesus.
In Sunday Club we use a variety teaching resources, including those produced by, for example, Scripture Union,The Message Trust and Urban Saints, which are used by thousands of churches across the UK. This teaching is biblcally based and points children to Jesus.
Messy Church provides a fun time for all the family. There are games, craft, song, dance, and food. It’s noisy, busy and at times, very messy! Come along and join us – you will be assured of a very warm welcome.
Messy Church is normally the last Friday of the month from 4.30-6pm. For more information email
Holiday Bible Club runs over a four day period during July shortly after the school summer holidays begin. Packed into these three days are games, activities, arts and crafts, song, dance, stories and, weather permitting, culminates in a Family Fun Day, for example a beach BBQ on Sandy Bay beach.
It’s a great place to leave children aged 4-11 years in a safe, fun environment supervised by responsible Advanced DBS checked adults. Check this website for dates in June.
We have occasionally organised group trips to relevant Christian festivals, such as Spree Wales and Soul Survivor. Again children attending these events are supervised by responsible adults and require parental permission to attend.